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When 40 years of kids shoes design, production & distribution meets Boro Park, your children finally gets what they deserve. All under one roof.

What’s So Special About Our Shoes?

Many hours of research and testing, using real children, with a precise method known as “fitting” – go into the design of each shoe to determine the perfect tenderness, firmness, flexibility and strength.

“First Step” shoes ,for toddlers who are just starting to walk, need certain flexibility, while shoes for older children need specific durability. Each type of shoe is custom designed to be comfortable and resilient for the end-wearer it is intended for.

Additionally, for the new walker line, special gel pads were developed by the PONPANO team of engineers to ensure perfect shock absorbing quality without compromising on support and comfort.

Each shoe model goes through a thorough testing process of bending, grinding, scratching by machines to test its endurance under different conditions without any compromises.

PONPANO/PAPAYA has been designing, manufacturing and selling hundreds of fashionable lines of shoes for babies, toddlers and youth, for over 40 years

PAPAYA has manufacturing facilities in many strategic areas across the globe, such as Israel, Spain, Italy, China and Brazil, which enables the company to develop the best quality materials at the most affordable prices for the consumer.